Our Terms and Conditions
Returns & Online Product Cancellations
Once a return is received or valid refund request submitted, the refund process will take no more than 30 days. All refunds will be either returned to the original credit card OR- mailed in check form to the billing name and address. International orders will be refunded back to the original credit card, and PayPal orders will be credited back to the PayPal account.
You have TEN (10) Days from the date of the original purchase to return the product to receive your refund. Any return received after the TEN (10) DAY time limit will not be processed.
Original Receipt is required otherwise, in store credit will be provided.
Online Products: You have FOURTEEN (14) Days from the date of the original purchase to request a refund for your online purchase. Any refund request after the FOURTEEN (14) DAY time limit will not be processed.
Please note that cancellation of memberships or passes means giving up privilege to products and services found within.
Customer Service
If you have questions or comments regarding your purchase, please contact us.
Response times to your inquiries can range from 24 – 48 hours.