League Schedule
Seniors Mens/Ladies Gathering
(9/holes 9AM Tee Times)
Parbuster’s League
(8:30 A.M. Modified Shotgun Start Holes 1-15)
Sugar Loaf Women’s Morning League
(9:30AM Tee Times)
Green Tees League
(9/holes 4PM Tee Times)
Sugar Loaf Business League
(1:30 PM Tee Times)
Moons Twilight League
(9/holes 4PM Tee Times)
Ladies League
(9:30 am start 9 holes tee times)
Kelly League
(11:00 A.M. Tee Times)
Are you an individual who’s looking to join and existing league?
Create your League Player Profile (League Free Agency)
Our League Free Agency Profile is geared towards individuals or small groups under 12 looking to join an existing league. Please create your Free Agency Profile and we will put you in touch with a League Secretary that fits your profile.